Rationale & Relevance of Anthropometry

An understanding of how to assess the body metrics and develop appropriate analytical values is important. However, due to the variability in body shape, many people cannot find appropriate information that offers anthropometric quantum sizing and fit. An understanding of the science of body size and shape is therefore the beginning of providing a deeper understanding of the human and its relationship with signal channeling and subsequent human traits for order and/ or disorders.

For Educators, the measurements of brain bone and torso size and shape as well cell thrusts, can foretell the intelligence quadrants hence help in career forecasting through Gift and Talent Testing ( a final process of the Anthropo-Biometric Methods). For health practitioners and fitness service providers, the assessment and monitoring of body size and shape is important as it enables one to detect early symptoms of disease occurrence due to emerging changes in body size and shape.

For garment makers, anthropometrics is the science of measuring and sizing the body with the purpose of developing and designing ergonomic products. Athropo-biometrics is the improved science that uses new technology to provide Human. Body Anthropometric Values which are expertly analysed to provide a wide range of
use. With this information many especially governments may use such data to set effective
policies instead of pumping billions of cash on by-products that may always recur.