To understand this improvement, a little background of efforts needs to be understood. Galton continued the psychometric line of work of Quételet (anthropometry) by extending it to consider individual differences in psychological characteristics, such as those that characterize genius or mental deviance.
Many modern day researchers have already studied the correlation between anthropometry (head and torso stature) and psychometric traits ; although these studies originally indicated a low but significant correlation coefficient. Others that measured full anthropometric details (the full body- head and torso stature) have shown significant correlations (Clark et al; Schreider; Susanne and Sporcq).
Studies have shown correlation between stature and psychometric variables, much as this was initially limited. The relationship between psychometrics and anthropometry remain significant in the determination of body composition especially in health diagnosis but nowadays even more applicable in many other areas like ergonometric, clothing and textile fits, avatars and gaming as well as human potential predictions.
Anthropo-Biometrics use modern 3D Optical sensing cameras to get anthropometric data automatically and then relay the same to special software engines (algorithms) that will use old and modern psychometric tools to analyse and produce results that make it easy for Anthropometric Psychologists to interpret.
This 3D Optical sensing camera works the same way just like the traditional method above and is a mere camera fitted with other gadgets to make it communicate with an external software. It takes a picture but is supported by modern technology to pre-process the image using special software such that the process merely takes seconds.
Once the camera takes the photo ( just like a normal camera without body invasion), it communicates it seamlessly to the software which then constructs the “hits” and “flats” and produce the same body model to be used by expert Anthropometric Psychologist to interpret and provide career forecasts.