Anthropometric measures in adult humans have been used for centuries to quantify and categorize body types and shapes (Dublin LI, Lotka AJ). In more recent history, indices formulated by algorithmic combinations of anthropometric measurements such as the body mass index (BMI), have been experimentally correlated to human performance (Bouchard C , Motamed N, Rabiee B, Hemasi GR, Ajdarkosh H, Khonsari MR, Maadi M, et al. ).
The advent of 3D body image scanning technology has increased our capacity to obtain an extraordinary number of accurate body measures within seconds (Stewart AD, Klein S, Young J, Simpson S, Lee AJ, Harrild K, et al.) and these 3D scanned anthropometry measurements have been validated against carefully collected manual measurements (Kuehnapfel A, Ahnert P, Loeffler M, Broda A, Scholz M. Reliability of 3D laser-based anthropometry and comparison with classical anthropometry).
However, it is the practicality of pairing or combining data obtained from 3D body imaging scanning technology to a depository of anthropometry, psychology and brain metrics that has brought a breakthrough in provision of full Human Metrics (in the form of a Virtual Body Model).
This has enabled anthropometric psychologists to be presented with Avatars, Illusions and Imaginary Anthropometric Body Channels that match the original subject. This is achieved quickly, accurately, and above all, in a digital format, compared to the old and traditional methods including psychometrics that have been heavily manual.
So the 3D Optical Sensing Camera seamlessly captures the data, links up with a special software engine which then produces the Avatars, Virtual Illusions and the Final Human Body Model, used by Anthropometric Psychologists to evaluate/interpret and finally produce forecast Talent Reports followed by Talent Prescriptions. It is this possibility that has given birth to Human Anthropo-Biometric Methods in Career Forecasting, which is achieved by assembling these technologies into an Anthropo-Biometric Talent Machine which is then set up in an Anthropo-Biometric Talent Clinic.