Anthropo-Biometric Machine

(a) Key and Essential Components
A typical Anthropo-Biometric Talent Machine comprises several essential components that work harmoniously to create accurate digital representations:

  1. Scanning Hardware & Sensors:
    The hardware is the scanning device itself. The sensors mounted on the device are responsible for detecting and measuring the distance between the scanning device and the subject’s body, ensuring precise data capture. The sensors work in conjunction with the scanning hardware to accurately measure the position and orientation of the subject, allowing for precise alignment and data capture.
  2. Software:
    Advanced algorithms and image processing techniques are used to analyze the captured data and generate a detailed 3D model of the subject’s body. The software takes the raw data captured by the scanning hardware and processes it to create a digital representation of the subject’s body, including accurate measurements and
    surface details.
  3. Computer System:
    A powerful computer system is required to handle the large amounts of data generated during the scanning process and to execute the necessary software algorithms efficiently. The computer system processes the data captured by the scanning hardware and runs the software algorithms to generate the final 3D model of the subject’s body.
    These components work together seamlessly to capture, process, and generate accurate 3D representations of the human body. The advancements in 3D body scanning technology have made it more accessible and
    affordable, opening up new possibilities in various industries and paving the way for a future where customization and personalization are the norm.

(b) Typical Room Machine Room Set up

The set-up of:
(i) The cubicle
(ii) Installed Camera and Sensors
(iii) The Special Software
(iv) Auxiliary Equipment e.g. Height and Weight measures
are what make the Anthropo-Biometric Talent Clinic “machine”.

The Software is the most important as it binds all the procedures. It is said that the Software constitutes more than 90% of the setup and is the focus of all improvements.

“Advanced Algorithms” – The Engines – and image processing techniques are used to analyze the captured data and generate a detailed 3D model of the subject’s body. The software takes the raw data captured by the scanning hardware (camera and related units) and processes it to create a digital representation of the subject’s body, including accurate measurements and surface details.

During a 3D body scanning session, a subject stands within the scanning area while the scanner collects data from multiple viewpoints. The sensor light patterns or uses multiple cameras to capture images, mapping the subject’s body contours and surface details. A high end body scanner can collect highly accurate data within the shortest time.

This data is then processed using sophisticated software algorithms to create a high- fidelity 3D model of the subject’s body and produces it as a “Virtual Illusion” known as “The Body Model”. The resulting model can be visualized, measured, and analyzed to meet specific anthropometric psychologists needs e.g. knowledge metrics.

Other equipment are:

  • Relay Computer with installed special software to provide pre-processing of 3D image and communication to external experts
  • The weight and height measures to provide Body-Mass Index (BMI), which is a key anthropometric ingredient in the calculations
  • Curtains to provide privacy while in process