About Talent Clinics

A Talent Clinic is a one stop location where special Anthropo-Biometric Cameras are installed and linked to an equally special software to help anthropometric biased psychologists determine the strong and natural potentials of assessed candidates, with a view to Career Forecasting.
The establishment has THREE important sections:

  1. Oral Screening – This is the first section in which basic facts are obtained about the
    candidate. It is like walking to the desk of the nurse in a hospital
  2. Psycho Screening – This is the 2 nd section where a trained expert ( anthropometric
    biased psychologist) uses specially designed psycho-questions and scores the
    responses per standard norms applicable in psychology. This is much the same way
    psychometrics or the age old I.Q Tests were done but now enhanced by computer
  3. Optical Camera Screening – This is the last stage where a 3D Optical Sensing
    camera is used to take pictures ( just like a normal camera does – without actual body
    invasion- takes only surface coordinates) and link the same to a special software which
    will now reconstruct the image into a psychologist’s Psycho-Sheet (also known as the
    “body model”) – see actual process below.
    It is this setup, together with rooms, specially constructed cubicle and related
    equipment, that is known Anthropo-Biometric Talent Clinic ; The word “Anthropo” is
    from Anthropology ( the science of human body measurements) . “Biometric” is also
    arbitrarily used to signify modern technology using 3D Optical Sensing. “Clinic” is
    derived from the steps above which are similar to those in normal clinics. So it is not a
    medical clinic.

It is important to point out that the set up does not end up with a machine in the context of medical appliances. It is just a camera just like the one in your phone, which takes pictures and able to communicate the same to a special software which then processes the same to provide measurements that are used by trained experts (anthopometric
biased psychologists) to evaluate and make decisions like career forecasting. This must be emphasized because there are exaggerations and myths regarding this. In many locations in Africa that we have set it up, there have been misconstrued statements that would make one think that we have a special machine that does “magic” and more so in the medical sense.

The Talent Clinic Assembly
The Talent Clinic is established locally (using local resources) by constructing special rooms per specifications and finally mounting and calibrating a 3D Optical Sending Camera in a controlled cubicle. As above, key Psychologist Rooms are the Oral and Psycho Screening rooms. The rest (reception and Admin Offices) are for normal operations. There are also other auxiliary equipment like height and weight measures that are still key anthropometric equipment, for other purposes. The so-called “machine room” has a locally assembled cubicle with layout of electrical installations to provide power to the 3D Optical Camera Unit as well as the linked Relay Computer (server) and related communication devices.
This computer has a special software installed that has several engines (algorithms) that bind all the steps before processing and providing the anthropometric and psychology experts with concise information to make decisions.